Online Gifted Assessment for Creativity in Children

Evaluation Instrument for Parents, other invested individuals

Questions in Part II relate to children of all ages, and requires information about them when they were very young. 

Not all people who are gifted are great at academics. Showing high levels of various kinds of creativity also suggests giftedness. Gifted people have distinctive emotional needs, regardless of the area of their gifts. Often, the more creatively gifted are overlooked by those in search of "high IQ's." Standard intelligence tests do not always accurately describe the giftedness of a creative genius.

The following assessment tool (Part II of the Online Gifted Assessment for Young Children) asks very different questions than Part I does. To expand the potential for identification, it is important to answer the questions in both parts of the gifted assessment tool. Being gifted in an academic way neither compels nor precludes strengths or deficits in the creative arenas. Answering the questions in both parts will help suggest if the child is intellectually gifted, creatively gifted, or both.


1.  Answer all questions as accurately as possible. 
2. If the correct answer is not available, choose the closest to correct.
3. If the child hasn't yet shown a particular trait yet, guess when it might show up, or choose the oldest age listed.
4. When all questions are answered, click the "calculate" button to see score. (This is a simple HTML program, and does not keep any records of the score.)
5. Read the score descriptions at the bottom of the page. 

The following set of assessment questions are adapted from a variety of studies. 
The tool as it stands, however, has not  yet been evaluated for validity or reliability. The resulting scores are not scientific. If you have any questions, please contact me at


1.  This child shows a great variety of interests.   
2.  This child used unusual or sophisticated vocabulary at a young age.   
3.  This child has very high energy.   

4.  Under certain circumstances, this child will give up pleasures in order to invest time into a pursuit.   

5.  This child will get lost in an activity, and not notice other important things (like being called to dinner)..   

6.  This child has a sophisticated sense of humor.   

7.  This child has an odd or bizarre sense of humor.   

8.  This child is perfectionistic.   

9.  This child has unusually high expectations of self.   

10. This child enjoys playing alone.   

11. This child showed persistence in the face of frustration by...   

12. This child shows deep concern for morality or justice.   

13. This child enjoys making up new games.   

14. This child showed high interest in gizmos with buttons (not computers) by...  

15. This child showed interest in video games by...  

16. This child showed an original (not necessarily good ) sense of humor by...  

17. This child could show awareness and appreciation of aesthetics by...

18. This child tried to fix something (not necessarily successfully) by  the age of...

19. This child discusses spiritual or mystical issues, like creation, death, religion, etc.   

20. This child has unrealistically high expectations of others.   

21. If I had to guess, I would say this child is...  

22. This child is presently years and months old.

23. I am this child's  (for example, "mother" or "tutor" or "uncle," etc.)

24. I also think this child is gifted because...

25. I am interested in my responses becoming part of the research, and can be contacted  at this e-mail address:

(Calculating the score does NOT send the results.)

Your Score: 
After you have read the score descriptions below, please submit your results when you are ready, by clicking the "Submit and go to Part II" button. Your submission will help the research into making identifying giftedness online more accurate.

Submitting results is only for the purpose of research. The information is entirely anonymous.

What does this score mean?
Most importantly, it means you have A score on ONE part of a broad range of assessment tools.

It is best to utilize several different methods for assessing the gifted needs of a child. Not all children (or adults!) who are gifted, are gifted across the board. One method of identifying giftedness is always only one piece of a complex pie. So take a look at the score on this part, keep track of it. (Apologies for the lack of high-tech record keeping: my gifted assessment skills are more adept than my programming skills. If you are able to direct me to a more elegant way to do this, I will happily speak to you!)

A score below 35 suggests: 1. A possible false negative. This happens if the questions don't address the particular gifts of the child being assessed. 2. That more investigation into different parts of giftedness may be useful. 3. That maybe the child isn't gifted in these areas. And 4. That maybe the child in question may be a late bloomer. Not all gifted kids are highly advanced by Kindergarten! Some don't even learn to speak until they're three. Go on to the next section.

A score between 36 and 45 suggests the possibility of giftedness, but without other assessments, the score doesn't stand on its own, for all the reasons stated above. This child may have emotional needs expected of the gifted. Go on to the next section.

A score between 46 and 55 is unlikely to be a false positive, and would tend to suggest a potentially gifted child. This score suggests possible emotional needs due to giftedness. Go on to the next section, and see if that score helps point out more strengths this child may have.

A score between 56 and 65 suggests the child is quite gifted least in the areas described by these questions. With this score range, one would expect this child to have particular emotional needs. As above, go on to the next section, and see if that score helps point out more strengths, and if the child is gifted across the board, or only in specific areas.

A score above 66 suggests a particularly high level of giftedness, and one would expect to see obviously different emotional needs. The farther above 66, the more intense one would expect the emotional life of that child to be. Go on to the next sections, and see if those scores continue high, or if there are different levels of strengths in different areas.


After you have completed this section, write down the score, and go on to the next section:


After you have read the score descriptions, please submit your results when you are ready, by clicking the "Submit and go to Part II" button. Your submission will help the research into making identifying giftedness online more accurate.


Section III of Gifted Assessment
This link goes directly to Part III without submitting. Use this link if you do not wish the above responses to be used in research. Submitting responses is entirely anonymous.


Text copyrighted ©2003 by Shulamit Widawsky, All rights reserved.
All "Parts" and versions of the Online Gifted Assessment Tool (OGAT), are copyrighted by Shulamit Widawsky, and may not be copied or distributed in any form, without permission from the author.
Permission is granted to link to the homepage. For any other links, please request permission from the author.